Customising Design | MegaInc - Documentation | JoomShaper


Updated Last: 22 June 2021

Customising Design

Common css classes

Site webmaster can use below custom class into addon/column/row custom class filed:

  • primary-bg (sets background color using 1st primary color from helix settings)
  • secondary-bg (sets background color using 2nd primary color from helix settings)
  • primary-bg-op5 (sets background color using 1st primary color with 50% transparency)
  • sppb-row-overlay (sets background color using 1st primary color with 50% of transparency)
  • primary-bg-op6 (sets background color using 1st primary color with 60% of transparency)
  • op3 (sets the 30% of opacity/transparency of an element)
  • op4 (sets the 40% of opacity/transparency of an element)
  • op5 (sets the 50% of opacity/transparency of an element)
  • op7 (sets the 70% of opacity/transparency of an element)
  • text-content-op7 sppb-addon-content (sets the 70% of opacity/transparency of an addon content)
  • feature-content-op7 sppb-addon-text (sets the 70% of opacity/transparency of an addon text)

 Note! The opacity-level describes the transparency-level, where 1 is not transparent at all, 0.5 is 50% see-through, and 0 is completely transparent. When using the transparency to the background of an element, all of its child elements become transparent as well. This can make the text inside too hard to read (WCAG warning).

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