Hello Joomshaper-Team,
since allmost one year the Joomla-Developers removed all Google Captcha-Plugins.
Why did they do this? Google reduced now the free reCaptcha usages from 1.000.000 down to only 10.000 website contact formular calls. Thats not that much anymore. On the other hand there can be a problem about the DSGVO law. It is better to have everything on our own websites without Google.
I know there is a inofficial workarround to get the old Google invisible reCaptcha. But thats not an official solution.
I tried now to integrate a own captcha into the "form_builder" source code. But I failed and stopped now. I tried it some days and it is very frustrating. From the "form_builder" admin.php and site.php files I dont get access to save some information into the $SESSION or localStorage. You guys just used a hidden text field with a md5 hash for example, but I cant get access to it from my captcha files.
I was able to add a new option OwnCapcha in the admin.php. You can select it in the backend. Thats easy. I was able to display a captcha picture in the site.php, but the connection of both failed. Cant check if the captcha is true or false.
Place for a subclass of an addon:
I am a little bit surprised that you guys did not implement a working solution without a thirdparty dependency.
It is allmost one year ago now. The form_builder is a very important function to get in contact with the customers.
With the Google reCaptcha functionality its like they can just block the contact formular and I get no messages if they want to. Or like now they want money for their service and we have a problem.
You implemented only a simple text field with one little expression 3 + 1. This expression will never change. Thats not a real spam protection. A bot will see this, calculate it and will send spam.
Are you guys allready developing a own captcha solution in the form_builder?
When we get a official solution for the problem?
I mean your SP Page Builder is for Joomla and Joomlas decision was to remove all Google reCaptcha-Plugins. In this case I am very surprised that you guys did not update your software in the last 1 year for this very important case. Joomla remove it just about 12 months ago. Anyway I saw a lot of threads about it and no solution.
Thank you in advance!
Best regards