Joomla 5.X And SPPageBuilder FormBuilder Captcha - Question | JoomShaper

Joomla 5.X And SPPageBuilder FormBuilder Captcha



SP Page Builder 1 month ago

Hello Joomshaper-Team,

since allmost one year the Joomla-Developers removed all Google Captcha-Plugins.

Why did they do this? Google reduced now the free reCaptcha usages from 1.000.000 down to only 10.000 website contact formular calls. Thats not that much anymore. On the other hand there can be a problem about the DSGVO law. It is better to have everything on our own websites without Google.

I know there is a inofficial workarround to get the old Google invisible reCaptcha. But thats not an official solution.

I tried now to integrate a own captcha into the "form_builder" source code. But I failed and stopped now. I tried it some days and it is very frustrating. From the "form_builder" admin.php and site.php files I dont get access to save some information into the $SESSION or localStorage. You guys just used a hidden text field with a md5 hash for example, but I cant get access to it from my captcha files.

I was able to add a new option OwnCapcha in the admin.php. You can select it in the backend. Thats easy. I was able to display a captcha picture in the site.php, but the connection of both failed. Cant check if the captcha is true or false.

Place for a subclass of an addon: .../templates/shaper_helixultimate/sppagebuilder/addons

I am a little bit surprised that you guys did not implement a working solution without a thirdparty dependency. It is allmost one year ago now. The form_builder is a very important function to get in contact with the customers.

With the Google reCaptcha functionality its like they can just block the contact formular and I get no messages if they want to. Or like now they want money for their service and we have a problem.

You implemented only a simple text field with one little expression 3 + 1. This expression will never change. Thats not a real spam protection. A bot will see this, calculate it and will send spam.

Are you guys allready developing a own captcha solution in the form_builder? When we get a official solution for the problem?

I mean your SP Page Builder is for Joomla and Joomlas decision was to remove all Google reCaptcha-Plugins. In this case I am very surprised that you guys did not update your software in the last 1 year for this very important case. Joomla remove it just about 12 months ago. Anyway I saw a lot of threads about it and no solution.

Thank you in advance!

Best regards Pascal

78 Answers
Yofie Setiawan
Yofie Setiawan
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163239

I'm also looking forward for a solution for this case. Getting many spam lately and the default captcha from the form builder doesn't help at all.

Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163240

Hello Yofie Setiawan,

I tried the default captcha too, but this is nothing against these spambots. Per day I get 50-100 spam emails now and needed to deactivate my contact formulars. Otherwise I will get inserted in a junk database and cant communicate anymore with my customers.

There is only a workarround to use the old Google Invisible reCaptcha, but this is not really a solution. Official the Joomla-Team removed the support of the Google reCaptchas with the release of Joomla 5. Thats allmost 1 year ago. Looks like nobody had this on their paper.

I am really sad I was not able in a few days to implement my own captcha. It was allmost working.

I hope we get a real solution soon or at least a answer that they work on it. Google is not really a solution anymore after they changed everything about the reCaptcha and want money now earlier. Google is even a problem, because of the data policy. We need a inbuild solution in the form_builder from Joomshaper.

Have a nice day!

Best regards Pascal

Yofie Setiawan
Yofie Setiawan
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163241

"Otherwise I will get inserted in a junk database and cant communicate anymore with my customers."

Can you explain more about that "junk database"? Should i also be concern?

Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163243

Hi again,

the thing is the contact formular is sending emails with our email credentials over our webprovider. Somewhere in Joomla we set the SMTP settings for it.

In this case bots are sending spam over it and maybe in a high frequence. The webprovider of the receiver email adresses will check if our emails are spam and insert us in some of the official junk mail databases. If other email servers are using these databases we cant send emails anymore to our real customers. It allready happen to me.

Normally we use a email server and it ip address with other customers of our webprovider. It is possible that all other customers get trouble, because of us.

It is not good when bots send emails with our contact formulars.

Best regards Pascal

Stuart Clark
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163244

I've just come across this issue too.

Unfortunately it seems like they another example of very sloppy coding from Joomshaper.

Equally unfortunately, they'll probably not own up or do anything to fix it!

Melissa Waldrup-Old
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163329

I 100% agree that something needs to be done about the Captcha options in Form Builder! I'm using Joomla 4, only because my web host is behind on upgrading MySQL. That allows me to use Google reCAPTCHA. But I would like the option to use something else, and that just isn't possible with PageBuilder. Plus, when I finally can upgrade to Joomla 5, my options will become fewer.

There needs to be the option to either choose a plugin downloaded from the JED or Joomshaper needs to build their own Captcha for Form Builder.

Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163446

Hello Melissa Waldrup-Old,

thats the thing. We cant go with the time now and use the newest Joomla etc. without workarrounds. Thats not good at all.

Joomla 5 got released in october 2023. Thats allmost one year ago. With this release the Joomla team removed all Google reCaptchas. And I explained the reason above. Even because of data policies its not a option to use Google reCaptcha. On the end Google can even block our form_builder formulars and we get no informations. If Google want they just stop the submit. For example, when we reach the new limit for the reCaptcha Enterprise.

I really dont want to understand why Joomshaper dont have it on the paper. It is a very important thing. Without the Form_Builder my customers cant connect me on a easy way.

I have a lot of customers they use the Form_Builder and its just essential. I am paying since 2021 for the Agency subscription and payed 299 Euro per year. Maybe one time with a discount on halloween. But now the prices went up to 399 Euro per year. 25% more. Thats just wow!

When I look back how much trouble I got. I found still a lot of bugs. I dont know if this is the way I want to go in the future. I needed to fix a lot with own CSS code.

Now we are waiting over 48h. Joomshaper maybe dont care or just dont have a solution yet. I really hate it when companies dont answer or wait more then 24h.

I am really unhappy about the situation. Joomshaper should know ;-)! I am not the first guy that write about it. Allmost 1 year and no update about it. Normally a company like Joomshaper should have a product manager. Maybe he sleeped?

@Joomshaper. Would be nice when you get in and explain: Are you working on a solution? Did you check the problem about it?

Thank you in advance!

Best regards Pascal

Melissa Waldrup-Old
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163461

Unfortunately, we may be waiting a while due to an internet outage.

Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163613

Ah, thank you for the information. I did not notice it.

Stuart Clark
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163414

JoomShaper - Please address this important security issue! Ignoring the problem is NOT a solution! (for example, why can't SPPageBuilder make use of whichever Captcha plugin Joomla has set as default??)

Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163448

Hello Stuart Clark,

I am quite sure this is an option that will work.

I tried it by my own and failed. But I was able to select my captcha from the admin.php menu. So thats easy. The problem is the sourcecode of the site.php. I integrated my own captcha, saw a picture. I was even able to display a nice textbox that we can type the captcha code in. But I was not able to verify the captcha.

I am quite sure a Joomshaper developer with experience can do this in just 8 hours. I am not a PHP developer and was allmost there in 2 days, ...

It is not that hard to develope something thats more secure then the 3 * 1 expression. Thats something the most bots calculate and it is not helping against these bots. Even it is the same expression with a simple question / answer. Not a good solution. Would be better to have something random + the characters need to be overlapped with some lines etc. That will stop a lot of bots allready. I know this, because I am using it in my own php formulars from the past.

I hope Joomshaper will jump in, understand the problem and bring us a solution. Still cant belief thats he release of Joomla 5 is almost a year ago and nobody checked this. But the SP Page Builder is a product for Joomla. All updates normally need to trigger the team and not us.

Best regards Pascal

Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163500


@Joomshaper team: I want to write another information. The workarround with the Google invisible reCaptcha V2 and Joomla 5 is not secure anymore. A lot of bots are still sending spam emails over the form_builder contact formulars.

So we have a worst case allready.

Now I am at the point that I need to deactivate all my form_builder contact formulars. That will kill my business. I will get a big damage now and I am paying for your SP Page Builder agency plan.

Really guys. A lot of other people wrote allready about this problem. 12 months time and you did nothing. Normally you should saw it after the Joomla 5 release. Where is your product manager? He should check it and bring everything on the way to bring a solution.

Are you even aware of this big problem? What is now the timeline? Will you fix it? Will you still ignore us?

Best regards Pascal

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #163549

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused by this oversight. I understand your frustration after reviewing the comments. I will share your feedback with our development team and get back to you with an update soon.

Best regards,

Toufiqur Rahman (Team Lead, Support)

Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163615

Hello Toufiq,

thank you for your short answer!

It would be nice when your team and you are working with a priority on it. Just, because there is allmost one year gone allready after the Joomla 5 release and since then the problem born.

From now a lot of people cant use the form_builder and dont get new customers or the customers get angry. It is not a nice situation at all. In my opinion you guys was sleeping in this case ;-).

Even some customer of me are angry at me now. They have for example some healthcare formulars and get only spam and there email provider allready messaged them. Then generator no business now. This can be a problem for me too and for all other SP Page Builder user. Normally, as entrepreneurs, we are liable for these damages.

Just this week is really annoying. I get only phone calls about this problem and I have to explain why and I have no real solution yet.

Best regards Pascal

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #163764

In my point of view Joomla CMS should introduce new captcha function. We are trying to figure out the captcha issue. Please stay with us and allow us time. Thank you

Stuart Clark
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163561


That is NOT a suitable answer! Rather than simply ignoring issues (which is exactly what we know will happen from your statement above), you need to actually provide a SOLUTION

You are apparently a "Senior Staff" member - but the answers we are receiving from you are what I would expect from a 1st line helpdesl who can make NO decissions.


Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #163563

I have shared this topic with our development team. We need to wait for their decision regarding the addition of a third-party CAPTCHA. Additionally, we need to consider which CAPTCHA would be most appropriate on a global scale. I hope you will understand.

Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163614

Hello @Toufiq,

thank you for your answer!

In my optionion you guys need to go two ways.

  1. You need a own good working captcha in SP Page Builder, that we have no dependencies to any other company. They can just shut there service down or want more money etc. You need to be prepared for this or we all have a problem.

  2. It would be nice when we can use all Captcha Plugins that are installed in Joomla. This will open the market for everybody.

  3. We Third-Party captchas can be a option, but look at Nr. 1. We need for sure a own one first. I developed one by my own and it is just proctecting me in the most cases. But I know the most captchas are not 100% secure anymore. But a own puzzle captcha etc. or a picture with a lot of lines are better then the basic one of you with the 3 * 1 question / answer. Thats nothing for the bots currently.

Have a nice day!

Best regards Pascal

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #163763

We are trying to figure out which will be the best and not to be depended third-party.

Stuart Clark
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163771

The correct and "simplest" implementation, which alse ensures ZERO third party reliance, is to support the already-existing Joomla CAPTCHA plugin format.

If you can simply use whatever is configured already in Joomla (such as the built-in Contacts component plus a hell of a lot of third party extensions already use) then you don't need to worry about which particular Captcha system is in use.

That is the obvious and simple answer to the question. It shouldn't need to be debated!

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #163784

Yes, our development team informed me that we can add Google reCAPTCHA to the discontinued Joomla CMS. And we have to think about the future core updates of Joomla. Thanks

Stuart Clark
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163785

You're missing the point ONCE AGAIN!

Forget Google reCaptcha!


WHY are you making this so complicated???

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #163787

Got it. Thanks

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #163789

I have explained the process to our team.

If i install any captcha plugin it should be display on form builder or contact form as like global configuration captcha option.


Stuart Clark
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163791


Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #163792

Thanks & Cheers!

Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163825

Hello @Toufiq,

I agree with the other opinions. I am happy that you guys understood the problem.

If we install a other captcha plugin we need to be able to select it from the form_builder. And if we use the "default" option the form_builder have to use the default captcha plugin of Joomla.

This will open the market for every Joomla developer and will even help you guys.

But at all I saw not a single secure captcha plugin. We need also a recommendation for a captcha plugin. Then we have a complete solution. Or a example of Joomshaper with a documentation ;-). Then we can work in a team on it. You definitely have to provide the interface in the form_builder.

Thank you in advance!

Best regards Pascal

Yofie Setiawan
Yofie Setiawan
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163949

I just want to say that we urgently need this issue solve immediately as possible, since i get tons of spam form submission lately.

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #163979

We will try to add this feature within few days. Please allow us time. Thanks

Stuart Clark
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #163987

ALL these SECURITY fixes should be your top priority!

Melissa Waldrup-Old
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #164017

Thanks for your reply and making this a priority, Toufiq!

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #164027

Our development team is actively working on the CAPTCHA issue. We expect to have a solution implemented as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #164028

@Stuart Clark We are nearing the final stages of releasing EasyStore. Additionally, please refrain from posting unusual comments on other users' forum posts. Thank you.

Stuart Clark
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #164034

@Toufiq The Captcha issue is affecting ME too, as you'd know if you properly read the multiple threads about it!

If you want to engage in a professional manner to resolve ALL issues which JomShaper are facing, I am more than willing to act as consultant to you, for a fee.

Otherwise - please concentrate your and JoomShapers efforts on resolving issues rather than berating customers who point out the repeated failings!

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #164048

Our developer team is working hard to release some issues. Besides, captcha need to re-design that's why we need time to implement this feature. I hope you will understand the sitiuation. Thanks

Accepted Answer
1 month ago #164061

Hello @Toufiq,

thank you for your answer!

I am happy that your team and you are aware now of the issue and that you are working on it.

The thing is Joomla removed it for over 12 months ago, because of the very bad changes and regulation of Google. Normally a product manager of your side had the job to know and understand these kinds of problems ;-). We cant change it now. But in the future it would be nice when you look arround whats going on. Your product is based in Joomla. Joomla was not writing a lot about it to be honest so its hard to check it after the release. But you guys should at least ask yourself why did Joomla remove these plugins. There was some reasons. I needed to understand it by myself too ;-). Took me some days.

The next thing is a lot of guys before me started a thread or talked about it on the internet and nobody reallty noticed the issue. From my side as a IT expert I dont know. I dont want to point everytime 12 months later on problems normally.

It is allready a good feeling, that you guys understood the problem and that you are working on it!

On the end we need a good working and secured solution for the future. So from now it does not matter how many more days it will take. Soon as possible is fine, but it need to work on the end :-)!

Have a nice day and good luck!

Best regards Pascal

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #164072

Hi Pascal,

Thank you for your message and for bringing this to our attention. We appreciate your patience and understanding regarding the situation.

We understand that Joomla removed this feature over a year ago due to significant changes and regulations from Google. Ideally, our product management team should have been more aware of these developments and the underlying reasons for such removals. Moving forward, we will certainly strive to stay more informed about the changes within Joomla and other platforms that our product relies on.

We acknowledge that this issue has been raised multiple times by other users, and we regret that it wasn't addressed sooner. Your expertise and the time you’ve taken to understand and explain the problem are greatly valued.

Our team is committed to providing a secure and functional solution as soon as possible. We want to ensure that the final result is robust and reliable, even if it takes a bit more time to achieve.

Thank you once again for your understanding and support. Have a great day!

Best regards,

Toufiqur Rahman (Team Lead, Support)

Marco M.
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #164271

Hey, here is one more person, who is wating for the Joomla Core Captcha Integration into Form Builder. Hope to see it soon. But i'm still on J4. Thanks :)

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #164337

What we are planning to implement.

I have explained the process to our team.

If i install any captcha plugin it should be display on form builder or contact form as like global configuration captcha option.


Yofie Setiawan
Yofie Setiawan
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #164928

I'm surprised this is not included in the SPPB 5.3.5 update xD

Stuart Clark
Accepted Answer
1 month ago #164930

I was hoping for this too! At the moment it is almost impossible to use any email form in PageBuilder!

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 month ago #165015

We are working on it. We need time.

Accepted Answer
4 weeks ago #165453

Hello Toufiq,

can you tell us some kind of time indication?

The thing is even the workarround with the install of the Google Invisible Captcha Plugin V2 etc. is not working anymore.

Like allmost all website visitors get a unlimted amount of tasks and its like a loop for them. So nobody can even look into the websites anymore. The Google Invisible Captcha is above everything.

On the other hand I get very big scam and my webhoster allready called me that there are to much traffic at all and it can result in a ban. Thats not good.

A lot of guys like me need these contact formulars to get new customers. And my customers need them too for the advertising. This can really kill and remove us from the market.

Normally these scripters have to go in prision for sending spam and make our work impossible.

Thank you in advance!

Best regards Pascal

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 3 weeks ago #165457

We're almost there. We're aiming to release it by the end of this week.

Yofie Setiawan
Yofie Setiawan
Accepted Answer
2 weeks ago #166314

Hi, any update regarding this? Its been a month.

Right now i receive spam form submission in every seconds, seriously in every few seconds i receive a form submission. xD

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 2 weeks ago #166416

We have resolved the issue. Currently, we are working on adding a new feature that supports third-party captcha integration for form builder, contact forms, and opt-in forms, which is why it is taking some time. Thank you for your patience.

Melissa Waldrup-Old
Accepted Answer
1 week ago #166745

Sounds great! Looking forward to it!

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 week ago #166851

We have added hcaptcha inital. If you have any recommendation, Please let us know. We try to add in the future. Thanks

Accepted Answer
1 week ago #166871

Hello Toufiq,

nice to hear, that your team and you fixed it!

When is the new release available?

Thank you in advance and have a nice day!

Best regards Pascal

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 week ago #166995

Please check the latest version. Thanks

Yofie Setiawan
Yofie Setiawan
Accepted Answer
1 week ago #167032

Thanks for the update team. Guys, any recommendation for good captcha plugin?

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 week ago #167113

We just added a compatibility of hcaptcha. If you any recommendation, Please let us know. Thanks

Accepted Answer
1 week ago #167125

Hello Toufiq,

I installed the update right now and checked it.

I used hcaptcha. I am not sure, if this is the best solution at all. It is again a third party company and we need his webserver for everything. It is not on our webserver ;-). Would be better to have a solution on our servers.

The next thing is, customers can now write something in the form_builder fields, click on submit and if they forgot to accept the hcaptcha all the written information get removed and I get no message. Thats not good. Normally the form_builder should save all information and check if the captcha is set or not.

But this thing is now better then before. I hope it will stop million of spam emails.

Edit: I forgot something. It would be nice too, if we can select the "Default selected Joomla captcha" and then we can set it global in Joomla instead of set it manually in each of the 100 pages ;-).

King regards Pascal

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 week ago #167156

Would be better to have a solution on our servers.

This is a initial solution to prevent spaming. We will think about it in future.

The next thing is, customers can now write something in the form_builder fields, click on submit and if they forgot to accept the hcaptcha all the written information get removed and I get no message. Thats not good. Normally the form_builder should save all information and check if the captcha is set or not.

I have informed our developer team to fix this issue.

I forgot something. It would be nice too, if we can select the "Default selected Joomla captcha" and then we can set it global in Joomla instead of set it manually in each of the 100 pages ;-).

We have recently integrated the CAPTCHA function within the Page Builder. Similar to how the Article Addon requires a category selection before displaying articles, the CAPTCHA function also needs to be selected from the CAPTCHA section within the Page Builder.

Accepted Answer
1 week ago #167170

Hello Toufiq,

for now to prevent the spamming, it is okay :-)! In the future we need a own JOOMSHAPER CAPTCHA on our server. This would be insane! Thats a big value for us then.

Is it not possible to select a "Default Joomla Captcha" on each page in the SP Page Builder once. And after it if we change the default Joomla Captcha the SP Page Builder Form_Builder is using it too. I mean for me its just one new item in the drop down menu ;-). To use the default one or just one of the available once.

Now if the hcaptcha is not good or they turn there services off I need to select again 100 pages per customer and again and again. If I had a option "use the joomla default one" instead, it do it now once and its fine. Then I can change it in one global menu.

Best regards Pascal

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 week ago #167177

We will consider developing our own reCAPTCHA; however, I cannot confirm it at the moment due to server dependencies. Additionally, I will communicate your other request to our development team and get back to you once I receive their feedback. Thanks for understanding.

Accepted Answer
1 week ago #167181

Hello Toufiq,

thank you for your time :-)!

For now its fixed and I can work again. For the future we will see. A own reCAPTCHA, that works on our own webservers would be the best solution at all.

But we need still to fix this bug now that customers can write something in the fields and submit everything without the answered captcha and then all field informations are gone ;-). Otherwise customers will just leave our websites.

Have a nice day!

Best regards Pascal

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 week ago #167186

I already informed this issue to our team. Allow us time. Thanks

Stuart Clark
Accepted Answer
1 week ago #167146

Edit: I forgot something. It would be nice too, if we can select the "Default selected Joomla captcha" and then we can set it global in Joomla instead of set it manually in each of the 100 pages ;-).

I think this is the best solution - it allows users to pick whichever Captcha system(s) they have installed in Joomla, and ultimately it will save JoomShaper from having to support multiple Captcha systems.

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 week ago #167159

I appretiate your suggestion. But, Our system doesn't have this function. If you look how the Article Addon requires a category selection before displaying articles, the CAPTCHA function also needs to be selected from the CAPTCHA section within the Page Builder.

Accepted Answer
1 week ago #167305

Hello Toufiq,

I wanted just to say that I get still a lot of spam over the SP Page Builder Form_Builder contact formular. I am using hcaptcha everywhere now and somehow I get still the same russian and polish messages.

Very annoying and frustrating. Looks like hcaptcha is allready not be able to protect against all these new AI bots or the captcha is not right implemented and somehow the bots can subtmit messages without using the captcha.

Best regards Pascal

Yofie Setiawan
Yofie Setiawan
Accepted Answer
1 week ago #167306
Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 week ago #167319

Aim captcha isn't ready for the page builder & Could someone please provide me with a staging site to resolve this issue more quickly? I have checked it on my own server but couldn't identify the problem. I apologize for the inconvenience and need your assistance. I'll aim to have a hotfix ready by tomorrow.

Accepted Answer
1 week ago #167362

Hello Toufiq,

what I mean is there must be some kind of bypass in the SP Page Builder Form_Builder to send just spam again or it is, because the hcaptcha have the same issues then the Google Invisible reCAPTCHA.

As a human I found no way to just click on the button.

I changed it on 3 websites now and everybody get still spam.

Best regards Pascal

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 6 days ago #167468

We trying to figure out the issue. Please allow us time to solve this issue. Thanks

Elliot Block
Accepted Answer
5 days ago #167642

Definitely seeing the same thing on our website...

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 5 days ago #167708

Please download this patch & check the issue.

Accepted Answer
5 days ago #167729

Hello Toufiq,

thank you for the patch!

I installed it on my website now.

  1. Now it say the captcha is invalid in the case the human did not answer it ;-)! First bug is solved in my opinion.

  2. I cant say something now about the, maybe existing, bypass. Did your team change something in this case? In my opinion a bot is able to bypass it. As a human I was not able to bypass it. But I am not a webdeveloper expert.

Best regards Pascal

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 5 days ago #167735

We just checked by bot. But, Bot can't bypass the captcha. Thanks

Accepted Answer
4 days ago #167737

Hello Toufiq,

we will see. If I will get still spam, then something is wrong ;-)!

In this case I will write again.

Best regards Pascal

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 4 days ago #167743

Let me know the update.

Accepted Answer
2 days ago #167868

Hello Toufiq,

I installed your patch on friday on 3 websites.

What I can say is: On friday, saturday and sunday I got no single spam email.

I think you guys maybe found the issue in the patch. (SP Page Builder v.5.3.6 (18) - Captcha-Patch).

Best regards Pascal

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 2 days ago #167872

I think we can release it globally. Thanks

Marco M.
Accepted Answer
1 day ago #167937

Hey Toufiq,

thanks für the update and integration of captcha feature.

I installed (06 September 2024) and used CK spam protection. Still got a lot of Spam with form_builder addon.

I will try now your Hotfix com_sppagebuilder_pro_v5.3.6 (18).zip.

Were do i have to configure the captcha right? In Joomla main captcha settings is CK Captcha selected. In form_builder settings i can select CK spam protection. Hope this is all right configuered. Form displayes the mathematics. I think it looks good. Thanks.

Update: CK Spam Protection ist not working with you Hotfix It always says "Invalid Recaptcha". hCaptcha seems to work.

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 1 day ago #167997

CK spam protection is not compatible with the Page Builder.

Accepted Answer
4 hours ago #168097

Hello Toufiq, I have installed the update 5.3.8. Two minutes later, the SPAM messages immediately reappeared on the customer pages. The problem is NOT solved. The PB-default was set as the captcha.

Accepted Answer
4 hours ago #168098

Hello Steve,

if you mean you are using the 2+3 calculation captcha text fields, thats nothing against these bots.

You need to use hCaptcha and these spamers are gone.

And I am not sure, I used the 5.3.6 (18) patch of the SP Page Builder above from the Google Drive. Maybe this patch is not included in the official versions.

Best regards Pascal

Accepted Answer
Senior Staff 4 hours ago #168099

Could you kindly grant me access to your Joomla administrator area so that I can investigate the issue you're experiencing? Prior to providing access, please ensure that you have backed up your site. Additionally, it's important to note that providing login credentials is entirely voluntary on your part; we respect your decision either way. However, if you do choose to share the login details, it would greatly expedite the resolution process. Thank you for your cooperation.