How to install Quickstart | Rhino - Documentation | JoomShaper


Updated Last: 12 January 2019

How to install Quickstart

Unfortunately, it is not possible to install the Quickstart package inside an existing Joomla installation via the Extension Manager. Why? Because the Quickstart also includes the Joomla! CMS itself. This package is strictly for use with a new Joomla! installation to provide you with a duplicate of our demo for that particular template. You can install Quickstart just like a typical Joomla 3.x installation process (step by step).

Warning! The QuickStart package cannot be installed through the Extension Manager.


  • To transfer files from your computer to a web server, you need special FTP software, for example, FileZilla - can be a good choice.
  • Because Joomla will store all the raw contents of your website (articles, images, user information, etc.) in a database, you should now create a database.
  • Make sure to download the Quickstart Package ( | in most cases above 30 MB).
  • Unzip Quickstart package to get separate folders and files before sending them to the server.

Installing procedure

  1. Upload the extracted files and folders to the root directory in your web server - for that task please use SFTP/FTP tool - in most cases, it will be public_html folder*.
  2. Create a MySQL database and assign a user to it with full permissions. We suggest using a new/fresh database (MySQL) for all QS installations.
  3. Open your browser and navigate to your main domain (i.e., or to the appropriate subdomain (i.e, depending on where you have uploaded the Joomla installation package.
  4. You will be taken to the first screen of the Joomla Web Installer.
  5. Please do not use "admin" as your default Super Admin Username (!).
    Use something more unique during the installation process - security reasons.
  6. Default Demo sample data will be automatically installed on your server.
  7. After successful installation, you should see a successful message.
  8. Remove index.html file from root folder - if you have it.
  9. Rename htaccess.txt into .htaccess - SEO and security reasons.
  10. Login to admin area or

Helping tips

* The root directory is often called httpdocs, htdocs, httpd, public_html, or www. If you can't find that folder, your web hosting company should be able to help you out.
** If any of the required web server settings isn't met, you won't be able to install QuickStart. In that case, Joomla will display a screen of required settings and mark the ones that require attention. If there are any problems, get in touch with your web hosting company to have them correct the web server settings for you.

After installation

  1. Access your administrator eg:, login and then:
  2. Go to System > System Information. Click on the tab called Folder Permissions and make sure all the folders listed are green: "Writable". If not, change permissions for folders to 755 - use FTP tool for this task.
  3. Update Joomla! core and all components, plugins if necessary.