Advanced | Helix Ultimate - Documentation | JoomShaper

Helix Ultimate

Updated Last: 25 July 2024


This section of Helix Ultimate options gives you access to advanced settings. From there you can enable compression, enable Lazy loading, disable/enable Font Awesome, update a list of available Googe Fonts, add Google Analytics Code, and Import-Export template settings.


Compress CSS Files 

You can enable this option to compress and combine all CSS template files to increase website performance by reducing loading time. We do not recommend enabling this option in a development period. Wait until you would finish the whole website layout and design.

Notice! Do not use CSS compression from Template Options with another optimization extension, like JCH Optimize (Free/Pro). Use only one of them.

Compress JavaScript Files

Enable this option to optimize JavaScript is to improve your site performance by compress all JavaScript files into one - so that the total size and number of requests will be decreased. Note: Do not enable this option in a development period. In some cases enabling this option can damage some animation effects. In that case, you have to Exclude Javascript Files. In the next field you have to enter the names of javascript files separated by a comma that you don't want to compress. e.g., jquery.min.js, main.js.

By speeding up the template, you offer a better experience for your customers, improve your page speed (and Google search engine ranking).


Compile SCSS to CSS - enable this option will compress all SCSS files during each load of your website if the SCSS file has been changed or edited. Turn off this option if your site is in production mode.
SCSS (Sassy Cascading Style Sheets) is fully compatible with the syntax of CSS, while still supporting the full power of Sass. This means that every valid CSS stylesheet is a valid SCSS file with the same meaning.

Font Settings

Enable Font Awesome

Enable/disable the Font Awesome icons to load your site. If you are not going to use icons loaded from a template but only from components (for example SP Page Builder) - you can disable it to reduce the number of loaded icon libraries (files). Don't worry Offcanvas Mobile Menu [=] and [x] icon used inside still would be displayed. Those are not based on Font Awesome Icon. 

Google Font API

To update the font list to the most current one You have to use your Google Fonts API Key. Get your API Key from here:

Don't worry, with every template update we update that list of Google Fonts and are not changed so often by Google itself.

Lazy loading

Enable this option will allow you to load all of your images in a lazy mode. This will defer all the offscreen images.

Lazy loading is a technique that defers the loading of non-critical resources at page load time. It means loading objects asynchronously. Instead, these "off-screen" resources are loaded at the moment of need.  When you have lazy loading enabled,  blog images do not load at once. Only a certain portion of the webpage is loaded, and the rest of the content loads when users scroll down near to them. Adding lazy loading can make your Joomla website load a little bit faster, save bandwidth, and provide a truly uninterrupted browsing session. Text content is loaded anyway, so it will not harm your SEO.

Import and Export

With Helix Ultimate you can export template all basic settings and store them for later use, also for other websites. Template settings structure is saved as .json file. The saved file doesn't contain any images (logos, favicon) - only links to those resources. 

  • Click "Export" to export and save file.
  • Click "Import" to import, saved before, file.

Notice! This is not an Export-Import website content feature, for this purpose you have to use the Akeeba Backup extension.


Inside the field Google Analytics 4 Tracking ID you can put your tracking ID (which usually starts with G-) taken from the Google console.

GA code

Google's next-generation measurement solution, Google Analytics 4, is replacing Universal Analytics. On July 1, 2023, standard Universal Analytics properties will stop processing new data. This means that any Universal Analytics data that you're using in Google Ads campaigns will start to degrade and your ad performance may be impacted. 

Google Analytics is one of the most popular and commonly used digital analytics tools. It’s a free web analytics service that helps you analyze in detail how users behave on your site. Yes, you can use another analytics service - but it requests using a dedicated plugin or adding tracking code.