Configuring the Settings | SP LMS - Documentation | JoomShaper


Updated Last: 04 January 2024

Configuring the Settings

It’s advised to configure all the settings of SP LMS before adding any courses. Navigate to System > Global Configuration > SP LMS to do so.

The Basic Tab

basic tab

Disable Map - you can dedicate to use a map or not.

Select Map - you can choose a source of the map, from those two Google Maps and Open Streets Maps.

Google Map API Key: You'll need to show the location when arranging an event, for that purpose, you will need to insert Google Maps API key. Checkout this helpful article to get your API key.

Mapbox API Key - to generate a Mapbox API key follow these steps

  1. Create a Mapbox account
  2. Go to account page
  3. Scroll down till you see "Access tokens"
  4. Copy the "Default public token"

Show Teacher Contact: Turning it on will let the viewers see a contact form using which they can leave a message to the teachers. Like the following: 

Show Related Courses: Turn it on to suggest similar courses in the course single page. 

Enable Review: Turning it on will enable students to rate their course. 

URL Routing: You may want to hide IDs from URLs, in that case, you need to set URL Routing to “Modern” and select “Yes” from “Remove IDs from URLs”.

Show T&C checkbox: Since GDPR came into play, all websites in the EU region need to declare their Terms and Condition and where they stand on GDPR. Turn this feature on to show a notification when a visitor first visits your website.

T&C checkbox label (GDPR) for contact form: Put the content regarding your GDPR policy in this box. 

Disable Styling - Enable this option to disable common styling like button, input etc.

Image Options

Image tab

This section is dedicated to set the standard size of course and event thumbnails.

Payment Settings

How to create a Udemy like eLearning platform using Joomla

You can choose any of the payment methods from the given three: Paypal, Bank Transfer, and Direct. Or, all three at the same time. Once you do that, fill up the necessary information. Then choose your currency from the drop-down list. Note: The sandbox mode is enabled by default, please turn on the Production mode while going live. 

Orders Tab

How to create a Udemy like eLearning platform using Joomla

After a successful purchase of any course, the user will get an automatic email confirmation. You can fill up the name, email and confirmation message from this section.

Certificate Tab

You can put your logo on the course and lesson videos from here. Adjust their position, add tooltip if necessary. You can either upload the logo or just put a logo URL.

C - tab

You can set certificate details from this section.

Certificate Logo: To put your institution logo on the certificate, upload the image file here.

Certificate Prefix: This prefix text is the prefix of the certificate identification number, this part of the certificate no. is common for all certificates.

Organization Name: Your institution name goes here.

Social Share

Allows you to enable several social share links - they can be used in Course or/and Event page.

Social Share Tab

License & Update

In this tab, you should put your e-mail used in Joomshaper membership account and license key for this component. It would allow you to get updates and make them from the Joomla admin area.

Permission (ACL)

LMS ACL Permissions

SP LMS lets you assign a particular set of access control for a specific user group. For instance, the Teacher group has the permission to add or delete courses and lessons of their own thus taking off the workload from the admin.


To get all features of SP LMS to work, you need to enable all of its plugins. In order to do that, from your Joomla backend navigate to Extensions > Plugin, then search 'LMS', you'll find System - SP LMS Updater and User - LMS Profile plugins, enabling them will allow SP LMS to get regular updates and students to upload their profile photo.