Moneris | EasyStore - Documentation | JoomShaper


Updated Last: 24 April 2024


Moneris Payment Gateway is the most entrusted payment solution employed by Canadian eCommerce businesses. Its simplicity and ease of application make it a popular choice across Canada.

Adding Moneris to Your Payment Options

  • Log in to your Joomla Dashboard and navigate to Components > EasyStore > Settings > Payments.
  • Within Payment Settings, locate the “Add Payment Method” button and click on it.
  • From the list of available payment methods, choose Moneris and click on the “Add” button.
  • This action will successfully add Mollie to the list of available payment options for your store.

Configuring Moneris Integration

Once you have added Moneris to your payment method list, click on the "Setup" button right beside the Moneris payment method.

Moneris Payment Gateway

This action will prompt a popup screen to appear, allowing you to configure the plugin according to your preferences.

Moneris Payment Gateway


Give your Moneris integration a title (e.g., "Moneris"). This user-defined title helps you identify this integration within your Joomla Dashboard.

Payment Environment

Choose between the "Live" or "Test" payment environment depending on whether you want to test payments in a demo or test environment or process real transactions in a live environment.

How to Obtain Test Store ID

In the case of the Test Payment Environment, visit the Moneris Merchant Resource Center

Moneris Payment Gateway

Login to your account by using the provided credentials. You will also find your Store ID here for testing purposes.

How to Obtain Test Checkout ID

Once you have logged in, click the Create Profile button to create your profile.

Moneris Payment Gateway

Creating the profile will provide you with a Checkout ID

Moneris Payment Gateway

How to Obtain Test API Token

Moneris Payment Gateway

You can find your API Token for the testing environment from the given link and choose according to your Store ID.

How to Obtain Live Store ID, Checkout ID, and API Token

In the case of the Live Payment Environment, click on this link and follow the steps given on the website to obtain your Store ID, Checkout ID, and API Token

Payment Instruction

Add any specific payment instructions if necessary. Use this field to provide customers with any additional information or instructions related to payments. 

Once you've filled in all the information, click the "Save" or "Save & Close" button to save your Moneris integration settings. Your online store can now accept secure payments via Moneris, providing your customers with a convenient and trusted payment method.

To make the Moneris payment method available for your online store, add it to your list of payment methods from EasyStore > Settings > Payments. Learn more