Database Tables Used by SPPB | SP Page Builder (Pro) - Documentation | JoomShaper

SP Page Builder (Pro)

Updated Last: 19 July 2024

Database Tables Used by SPPB

This document outlines the database tables utilized by SP Page Builder 5.x to store content, settings, and assets for your website. Understanding these tables is essential for tasks like troubleshooting, data migration, and customization.

Here is a list of database tables used by SP Page Builder 5.x:

  • prefix_spmedia
  • prefix_sppagebuilder
  • prefix_sppagebuilder_addonlist
  • prefix_sppagebuilder_addons
  • prefix_sppagebuilder_assets
  • prefix_sppagebuilder_colors
  • prefix_sppagebuilder_fonts
  • prefix_sppagebuilder_integrations
  • prefix_sppagebuilder_languages
  • prefix_sppagebuilder_presets
  • prefix_sppagebuilder_sections

In the previous version SPPB 3.8, these tables were fewer.

prefix = database prefix, for example, jos_. Remember that each website has (or may have) different prefixes used in database tables.

Contents of Several Key Tables:

  • prefix_spmedia - Stores file paths for media uploaded within SP Page Builder, including those from addons.
  • prefix_sppagebuilder - Contains all page content, SP Page Builder modules, and Articles with SP Page Builder integration enabled.
  • prefix_sppagebuilder_languages - Contains languages chosen in Pages etc.
  • prefix_sppagebuilder_sections - Contains created categories, whether they were used in pages or not.

Key Points

Content Migration: To move SP Page Builder content between sites, prioritize these tables:

  • prefix_spmedia
  • prefix_sppagebuilder
  • prefix_sppagebuilder_languages (for multilingual sites)
  • prefix_sppagebuilder_sections (if using categories)

Remember to:

  • Adjust the database prefix on the destination site.
  • Migrate files from the /images folder, organized by year (e.g., /images/2023).

Tip! If you want to move SPPB content from one site to another, the most important tables are the first two. If the site is multilingual and uses categories, then these 4 are the most important for you. Of course, it's better to move them all if possible. Remember to rename the prefix name (that is used on the 2nd site) and migrate also files used in pages that are stored in /images folder, sorted into folders with the year (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, etc).